Aesto Health Data Mapping Services

Mitigating Challenges in EHR System Migrations

When transitioning EHR systems, the data from your legacy system must be properly matched to the corresponding fields and specifications available in your new system.   

Any data that fails Aesto’s validation process must be mapped to your new EHR system’s specifications. 

Aesto’s proprietary Data Validation module allows you to complete this mapping inside our DataCapture platform, significantly enhancing speed to your go-live date by eliminating reliance on spreadsheets or manual data entry.  


Data mapping is a tedious task requiring clinical knowledge and insight into how your athenaOne tablespace is structured. 

Many clients opt for Aesto’s clinically-trained data mapping experts to perform the task on their behalf, as this process can introduce several challenges for your staff if you choose to do the mapping yourself. 

Factors that influence data mapping needs include: 

Type of Legacy EHR System
Aesto Health has over a decade of experience extracting data from hundreds of EHR systems. Many EHR systems have poor data structure, potentially leading to more mapping work hours for your team.

Data Delivery Format
The data delivery format significantly influences the workload required for transferring data to your new EHR system. While most systems offer a complete database backup (i.e., .bak file), others only provide CCDs or flat files (CSVs). In those cases, the data structure may impact the mapping work required.

Practice Type
Some practice types pose challenges due to the unique and complex nature of the specialty and the data points they are required to chart for their patients.

Data Cleanliness
The data entry method in your legacy EHR system significantly impacts the effort required to complete mapping. For instance, in an EHR system with well-defined fields, data entry is structured, and standardized codes (such as ICD10 or SNOMED) are often used to capture information for problems or diagnoses. However, if the EHR vendor allows users to input free-text responses, healthcare providers can type in narrative descriptions, which lack uniformity and structure. The absence of standardization leads to potential discrepancies and ambiguities in the data, requiring more labor-intensive mapping. 

Volume of Patients, Providers, and Data
The time required to complete data mapping is significantly influenced by the volume of your patients, providers, and data or documents stored in your legacy EHR system.

Dedicated Personnel for Mapping
While your team completes mapping activities, they will still be asked to complete their respective job duties and may be involved in the buildout of your new athenaOne tablespace. It is essential to consider the bandwidth of your current team to ensure they can take on these additional responsibilities. Some clients offer their team members overtime hours to accommodate this workload or hire contracted hourly workers to complete these tasks.

Volume of Lab Results and Documents to be Mapped
While Data Validation Services for Lab Results and Documents are not included in our standard pricing, it is important to understand the volume of mapping required for these categories is often substantial. Mapping services for these categories can be purchased for an additional fee. 

As a result of the factors above, your facility could experience issues such as:

Project Delays
If data mapping takes your staff longer than expected, data will not be delivered to athenahealth on time, which could impact the availability of data in athenaOne upon your go-live date.

Increased Personnel Cost for Data Mapping
Taking on the data mapping task internally results in diverting personnel from their core responsibilities for an unspecified duration, away from the forefront of patient care. If the mapping workload becomes overwhelming, you will need to ask team members to work overtime, tap on additional staff members to assist, or engage external contractors to complete the mapping process.

Incorrect Mappings Due to Rushed Work
The data mapping process is meticulous, demanding exceptional attention to detail. Ensuring the correct mapping of relevant fields is imperative to safeguard against any negative impacts to patient care. Prioritizing precision over speed to meet your go-live date is essential for a successful outcome. 

Allowing Aesto Health to perform data mapping on your behalf offers several advantages for your facility, including: 

Expertise & Efficiency
Over the past decade, Aesto Health has extracted over 30 million records from various legacy EHR systems and is trusted by over 700 clients. Our team of proficient data experts is committed to mapping your data with unparalleled efficiency and accuracy. We have completed mapping across millions of data points for all eligible import categories accepted by athenahealth for many legacy EHR systems.

Obtain a Remarkably High First-Time Import Success Rate
Aesto Health’s data mapping experts consistently achieve a very high first-time import success rate when transitioning clients to their new EHR systems. If you choose to undertake this yourself, our clients typically attain a 20 – 30% lower import success rate using our tools. This contrast in success rates is attributed to the specialized expertise and proficiency of Aesto’s data mapping experts within our tool.

    Workflow Continuity
    Remain focused on patient care and your daily operations without being burdened by the intricacies and time requirements of data mapping.   

    For more information about Aesto Health’s data mapping services, please contact your Account Executive.   

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    Chief Revenue Officer 


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    Phone: (205) 447-8859

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    7 + Providers | Western US + Alabama


    Phone: (913)-232-0332

    Alabama, Arizona, Alaska, California, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming

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    7 + Providers | Eastern US


    Phone: 314-603-6986

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